The shipping container industry uses containers in two different heights. The “Standard” height, which is 8’6” externally and 7’10” internally. The second unit is called a “High Cube” height container and is exactly 1 foot taller measuring 9’6” externally and 8’10” internally.
High Cube container can be told by the yellow and black stripped tape at the top front corners of the container esp. above the container doors. A Large sign can usually be found on one the doors of a High Cube container stating that the container in 9’6” in height…this sign is circled in the photo below.
A Standard unit on the left compared to a High Cube Unit on the Right. Notice the large 9’6” sign on the High Cube and the Yellow and Black striped tape above the doors of the High Cube unit.

Yellow and Black stripped “flagging” Tape can usually be found at the front corners of a High Cube Container.
When should I use high cube containers?
High cube containers has an incomparable range of applications compared to a standard 20 ft. shipping container.
Excellent examples of times and conditions to use a High Cube container are:
Transport and/or storage of cargo that requires more head space but needs to be in closed environment
For temporary work and workshop space, it adds additional container height for lighting and makes the space more roomy and comfortable
Perfect storage solution for both industrial and commercial sectors which requires bigger storage space
The dimension chart below gives the dimensions for the most common sizes of containers.