Have you ever thought about adding some extra cash to your bottom line?
Need a little spending money?
Well……Consider how a shipping container could help you make more money.
Let me explain…..
Shipping containers are so versatile and sturdy.
You can do many things with them.
They are affordable and easy to modify.
All you really need is a little imagination and your possibilities are endless.
See how a shipping container could help you bring in a little or a lot of extra money.
Here are some ways to let shipping containers work for you.
1. Food stands
Food stands are a fun and popular way to make money with a shipping container.
It doesn’t take a lot to modify them.
They hold up well and most of the work is already done for you.
You could have a hot dog stand, an ice cream shack, a coffee bar or even a produce stand.
Read about how to create an easy fruit stand here.

2. Fireworks stand
A shipping container makes a wonderful fireworks stand.
One of the many benefits is the fact that the steel is very fire resistant.
Again, it doesn’t take much modification to get it up and running.
You just need to cut some windows, put in some shelves and a counter.
You can be up and running in no time.
All the excited kids will flock to your stand to see the fireworks you have displayed.
3. Airbnb Tiny House
A shipping container Airbnb tiny house could be a great source of passive income for you.
Did you know that there are plenty of people that make decent money by having a place for people to rent when away from home?
If you build a shipping container tiny home, you can rent it out and have a little extra income. Shipping container homes are very popular, and people love the novelty.
It’s cozier than a motel because it has character.
When building the tiny home, you can even use upcycled materials to make it more cost effective and keep things out of the landfill.
It can make a cozy little cottage for people to rent when away from home.
Maybe you have a beautiful vineyard or ranch with some extra space?
You could create a beautiful little guesthouse using a shipping container.
This can be a source of income after you build the place.
Think of all the fun and creative things you could do to make your Airbnb stand out.
You can decorate the inside with such cute themes or create beautiful landscaping and an outdoor area to barbeque.
You are giving people a very affordable way to vacation, so it is a win-win for everyone.
Check out this video and how this woman makes $3090 a month with her little tiny house shipping container tiny house.
4. Storage Units
You can build a storage unit for yourself with a shipping container or two.
You could also set it up to have storage for others and rent that space out.
This could be a nice little side gig, and you would be helping others out in the process.
Shipping containers are built to be at sea so they are very sturdy and will protect belongings for a long time.
You don’t have to do much modification for this either.
They can be put in to stay permanently or you can move them around as needed.
The beauty of a shipping container is that it could even be shipped overseas.
They really do make the ideal storage unit and you can read more about shipping container storage units here.
5. Indoor Farm
A shipping container can be used to grow food.
You can set the conditions so you could grow produce whenever you like and not be governed by the seasons.
With square foot gardening, you could even grow enough to sell at a little produce stand.
Your neighbors will appreciate a place to buy fresh produce and you could become very popular.
Shipping containers can be an amazing way to make some extra income.
You can provide wonderful services for your community all while bringing extra money.
We are happy to help you find the right one for what you want to do so give us a call and get yourself on the path to some more income.
The green stuff, who couldn’t use a little more of that?